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Advice for Promotion

The Path to Promotion
As your time in the Army JROTC program progresses, you will begin to develop a firm grasp on what leadership truly means. Based on your cooperation and attitude toward the leadership in the class, as well as your level of knowledge and motivation to always try your best, you will be considered for promotion. Based on your LET (Leadership Education and Training) Level, there may be more material that you are required to know. The more you lead by example and study, the higher you chance of being promoted is. Although, specific leadership positions require you to be a certain rank, you always want to learn as much as you possibly can so that you can eventually step up if the leader is incapable of doing so.
Study hard, respect your leaders, and always do your best! 

In order to get promoted, you must display discipline, dedication and leadership values. Increase your chance of being promoted by joining one of the special teams.


Hard work pays off.

                                       C/CSM Jayden Davies


What to Know?
1. Cadet Creed
2. Enlisted & Officer Ranks
3. Correct LET Level Packet Questions & Answers (LET I, II, III, IV)
4. Eagle Battalion Chain of Command
5. Chain of Command
6. Battalion Breakdown of Power
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